Solving Complex 1-Variable Equations

Have you ever wondered how it’s so easy to make a mess and then it takes so long to undo the mess?

Standard(s) Supported: 8.EE.C.7.B and HSA.REI.B.3

What are the properties and concepts I may need to use when solving complex 1-Variable Equations?

When solving complex 1-Variable Equations there are many concepts and properties from your math knowledge that you may need to use. Let’s look at some of the past concepts and properties you will use often when solving complex 1-Variable Equations:

Order of Operations

Order of Operations.pdf

Distributive Property

Distributive Property.pdf

Combining Like Terms

Combining Like Terms.pdf

Reverse-Order of Operations

Reverse order of operations.pdf

Inverse Operations

Inverse Operations.pdf

How do you solve complex 1-Variable Equations?

How do you solve complex 1.pdf

Example 1: combining like terms

Example 1.pdf

Example 2: distributive property

Example 2.pdf

Example 3: distributive property and combining like terms

Example 3.pdf

Example 4: non - x variable

Example 4.pdf

Why do we learn about 1-Variable Equations?

We learn how to solve equations to begin developing the skill of taking something apart (undoing) to find the root cause or diagnose the problem. When a house has water damage a contractor will peel back layers of the house to determine the root cause of the water source creating the damage. Much like a mechanic may have to remove parts of a car to locate and fix the main problem of the car. What may seem like simple steps to undo a math operation will eventually lead to greater problems in different careers that require the same approach, undo an operation to solve the problem.

What’s next? What does it mean if the variables disappear, or you end up with x = x? To investigate these situations when solving 1-Variable Equations, check out the fundamental Types of Solutions: Linear 1-Variable Equations!