Function Notation

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Standard(s) Supported: HSF.IF.A.1 and HSF.IF.A.2

What is function notation?

Function notation is just that, a notation. What is a notation? Simply a way to write something. In this case a way to name a function and clearly show the input values vs. the output values of the function.

What is function notation.pdf


Now, we sometimes are going to deal with arbitrary functions, or functions not in a word problem. In this case the most famous function notation you will see is f(x), read f of x. Why f? Because that is the first letter of the word function. Why x? Because x is the most common letter used for the input variable.

f of x.pdf

If you need a refresher on what makes a function a function, check out the fundamental Functions!

How do you use function notation?

How do you use function notation.pdf

Example using function notation to compare two functions:

Example using function notation to compare two functions.pdf

Example using function notation with an application problem (word problem):

Example using function notation with an application problem.pdf

If you are struggling to evaluate (solve) the expression on the right side of the equation above, check out the fundamental Simplifying Expressions.

Why do we learn about function notation?

Why do we learn about function notation.pdf

What’s next: Function notation is used in application problems. Check out the fundamental Problem Solving: Linear Function Applications to see function notation in action.